• 021-28422901

تماس با ما

تماس با ما

 با ما


english page

RAMAN FARAYAND AZMA (RFA) Co. Ltd. is a supplier of Laboratory products, scientific and research equipment for different fields including oil & gas, petrochemical, water & waste water, power plants and any other industries.

At RFA Co. Ltd.  we offer the excellent level of technical support and experience and help you find the right solution for the parameter you want to measure depending on what you are producing.


RFA Co. Ltd.  main filed of activates:

  • Laboratory furniture
  • Laboratory glassware and consumable
  • Laboratory chemicals and reagents
  • General laboratory equipment
  • Laboratory equipment for water and waste water analysis
  • Laboratory equipment for food and beverage analysis
  • Laboratory equipment for petroleum products analysis
  • Laboratory equipment for polymer products analysis


After sales services:

Our trained and dedicated service team is equipped with knowledge, skills and expertise which fulfils business requirements in maximizing client satisfaction.

Please contact us to learn how our instruments can help you improve your lab's profitability.


Contact Details:

No. 108, Ninth Boostan St., Pasdaran St.

Tehran, Iran

Tel: (+9821) 28422901

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  • تهران خیابان پاسداران بوستان نهم پلاک 108
  • 021-28422901
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